InArtfullyAutisticbyShamiha Said10 Hidden Childhood Autistic Traits That Make Sense NowThe early signs that are easily missed in Autistic ChildrenFeb 191.3K17Feb 191.3K17
InArtfullyAutisticbyShamiha Said9 Horrific Ways Autistic People Experience Gaslighting9 Common Sayings That Scream Ignorance About AutismMar 4, 20241.5K14Mar 4, 20241.5K14
InArtfullyAutisticbyShamiha Said71 Important Questions To Ask If You Think You’re AutisticA complete list to help you figure out if you or a loved one is on the spectrumFeb 12, 20241.7K15Feb 12, 20241.7K15
Devon PriceI’m pretty sure my friend is Autistic. Should I tell them?For far too long, external judgement has defined the neurodivergent experience. Let’s not continue that problem.Apr 11, 20241.7K27Apr 11, 20241.7K27
Jackie SchuldCaring Too Much When You’re AutisticI care a lot about the people around me.Mar 10, 20241.5K11Mar 10, 20241.5K11
InArtfullyAutisticbyShamiha Said11 Surprisingly Obvious Signs That I’m Actually AutisticThe Autistic Signs That Were Staring Me In The FaceDec 25, 20233.2K37Dec 25, 20233.2K37
InILLUMINATIONbyGareth Ceidiog HughesHow Autism Can Make You More Socially AstuteAnd why you shouldn’t assume someone is socially incompetent just because they’re autisticJan 31, 20246698Jan 31, 20246698
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsbyGigi StellaAll the Wacky Shit I Told My Therapist Before I Knew I Was Autistic AFJeez Doc, if only there were some sort of contraption to squeeze and put constant pressure on my skullJan 15, 20242.3K34Jan 15, 20242.3K34
InArtfullyAutisticbyShamiha Said9 Surprising Signs That Someone You Love Could Be AutisticIs your partner on the spectrum? Here are the signsJan 4, 20242.2K17Jan 4, 20242.2K17
InReaders Hopebyautism unmasked“Your brain is constantly looking for rules.” — why autism is exhausting and diagnosis matters“Your brain is constantly looking for rules.”Sep 18, 20233.3K37Sep 18, 20233.3K37
The AutlawUnveiling The “Imposter”: How Autism Asserts Itself When One UnmasksThe neurotypical mask drops and the undiagnosed autism more fully emerges leaving one astounded at how you didn’t see it for what it wasSep 14, 20231.2K19Sep 14, 20231.2K19
The AutlawWhen Your Own Skin Makes You UncomfortableWhat it’s like, as an autistic person, to have sensory issues around touch, texture, and other tactile scenarios.Dec 3, 202394414Dec 3, 202394414